Return on Investment:
Maximizing the Clinical Value of Your New HIT System

Clinical care is the ground-level measure of success in the healthcare industry. Quammen Group is here to make sure that your organization sees a return on every part of its HIT investment—especially in clinical services.


When it comes to patient care, efficient service delivery is paramount to producing good outcomes. Your organization is in the business of taking care of people, and we’re here to make sure you are supported in this goal from the bottom up.


Upgrading your HIT system or transitioning to a new one is rarely a simple software switch. As with any organization, you will face challenges with usability even after the new system is launched. Every setback in adoption can lead to real-life consequences from a loss of staff morale to a slowdown in productivity to impacted patient satisfaction, all of which add up to a poor return on your investment of time and money.


Delays also slow down your progress toward the ultimate goal of using electronic health record technology to improve the safety, quality, and efficiency of a patient’s clinical experience. Once you are able to show that your staff is meaningfully using EHR technology to concretely improve patient care quality, you have access to Meaningful Use incentive payments. Our assistance ensures that you get there faster.

The seasoned HIT professionals of the Quammen team are here to:

  • Identify powerful opportunities to improve your clinical service and patient outcomes
  • Target any barriers that are preventing your team from efficient collaboration
  • Facilitate the switchover through personalized leadership training
  • Refine and adjust clinical workflow to lower costs and optimize care measures
  • Monitor and improve satisfaction for both patients and clinicians
  • Make an action plan for monitoring Clinical Quality Measures and other success metrics
  • Identify and form a governance structure, leading to increased accountability and communications in service of overall service improvement

Quammen Group is the go-to team for clinical optimization.

If your organization is ready to experience the financial and clinical benefits of optimization, contact us today.

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